Friday, June 13, 2008

Help Blocked Lock On Suitcase

left side of the engine - Crankshaft Seals Engine Assembly

In the operation of closed transmission housing we have seen that we have no Crankshaft focused.

Now is the time to do it, measuring with a caliper the distance between the crankshaft bearing and its housing in the crankcase. How far will we surely different, they will warm the outside of the housings of the bearings, and very gently tapping ends of the crankshaft will move the joint corresponding to the appropriate side, until we stay focused. Going for slaughter

no harm in moving the bearings over the neck of the crankshaft, as the heat given off by the outside take to reach the inner ring of the bearing, so that if we go faster, it will dive and what moves is the outer race of each bearing.

Crankshaft Seals are installed in a side covers. Between the outer circumference of the caps and pan support in place a board, and between the inside of the lid and the outer race of a corresponding bearing spacers.

The play is at once placed the lid, both on the outside and inside the casing on the bearing are to stop without any backlash.

We measured the thickness of the board ...

... and the step height inside the lid.

Known distance between the bearing outer race and the circumference of the lid support on the case (we have measured the centering operation, and if not, re-measure) we can calculate the thickness of spacers placed.

For example (invented):

flap step height: 5.00 mm Thickness
board: 1.00 mm (0.90 mm consider, since the board is compressed by tightening the lid)
Total step after mounting the lid: 5.00 to 0.90 = 4.10 mm

bearing outer race distance - the supporting surface of the lid on the pan: 4.40 mm

Difference: 4, 40-4,10 = 0,30 mm thick washers to mount.

not necessary to go to the thickness of the washers, cold as the outer race of bearing balls tighten it against the inside track and will be completed offline. On the other hand do not have to suffer for leaving the minimum clearances minimorum, for in the crankcases operating temperature dilate more than the crankshaft, and these gaps grow, so there's nothing forced. For

assemble the spacers ...

... board put the lid ...

... insert retainer in the lid ...

... and assemble the set.

catch in left (clutch side) are placed three Allen screws holding a plate ...

... that we turn when they are tight.

On the left side (on) follow the same process ...

... with the only difference that the clamping screws the floors are flat head screwdriver.

Note: to check that everything turn well, you'll notice an increase in resistance to the covers mounted. Normal is the friction of the seals.


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