Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Harold & Kumar Bottomless

Dismantling - Opening crankcase Removing

Before opening the semicárteres loosen and remove the twang, spring and locking lug selector drum.

also remove the protective rubber tube selector shaft rubbing against the chain of secondary transmission.

A manual of the 70 Montesa flowing through the network ensures that you can separate the cold semicárteres as the right neck of the crankshaft have enough slack to move through the interior of the corresponding bearing, as happens in other OSSA Colombo.

This is controversial, especially considering that the Impala engine before the engine is described in this manual, but are, in fact, his heirs.

Impala in this particular engine, this worked well, but I think it's much better method of heating the accommodation of the crankshaft bearings, so that when opening semiocárteres, these bearings are attached to the crankshaft.

We removed the screws from the semicárteres.

There is one last screw that is threaded into the left crankcase, so the right side of the engine have more to remove a nut, right next to the selector shaft.

The semicárteres can now be separated. To do this will warm the outside of the housing of one of the bearings of the crankshaft with a torch or heat gun, until they separate the two halves, either by its own weight or with minimal taps with a mallet nylon.

Once separated
semicárteres centering caps retrieve them.

As I said, in this case were separated without heating semicárteres, being attached to the crankcase crankshaft sliding left and right inside the bearing, which was attached to the crankcase.

On the other hand, change the input shaft (clutch) went to the left crankcase. That should not be so, and to avoid it could take a few taps on the crank shaft opening so that it rests on the left.

Sea of \u200b\u200bone form or another, now retired crankcase crankshaft, heating the accommodation of the bearing.

In case you have to remove the bearings of the crankshaft, you must use a special pump, which will pull the bearing outer race Burner While, marking it with what will inevitably be replaced by a again.


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