Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Binary Numbering
Chapter 1: Issues Resolved
Chapter 2 : The three basic logic functions
Chapter 2: Issues resolved
Chapter 3: Boolean Algebra
3A : Issues resolved
Chapter 3B: Issues resolved
Chapter 4: The Karnaugh Map
Chapter 4: Issues resolved
Chapter 5: The RS Flip-Flop. Memories. Multivibrators
Chapter 5: Issues resolved
Chapter 6: The JK Flip-Flop. Accountants
6A : Issues resolved
Chapter 6B: Issues resolved
Chapter 7: Special Topics
Chapter 7: Issues resolved
Chapter 8 : multivalued logic
Chapter 8: Issues resolved
Supplement # 1: logic families
Supplement # 2: Microprocessor ( microcapacitor )
Supplement # 3: How the Microprocessor Works
Supplement # 4a: microcapacitor The Instructions of 8086
Supplement # 4b : Microprocessor Programming
Supplement # 5: Asynchronous Communications
Supplement # 6 : Operational Amplifier
Supplement # 7: 555 Timer
Supplement # 8: PLC. ladder diagrams
Supplement # 9: Moore machines. Mealy machines
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