Sunday, March 22, 2009

How Do You Find Fetus Percentile

Sergafa Conversion of Corona RP8D1

RP8D1 Corona Conversion for use in the MK (POR SERGAFA)
Removing the signal receiver ppm CORONA RP8D1 for Mikrokopter
(fully realized by SERGAFA, thanks!)
This is a small tutorial on how to modify the CORONA receiver to extract the signal RP8D1 ppm and can run on our MK. I've seen for various parts of the forum that this receptor appears to have many benefits for what will be flying in FPV, due to its large scope.
In this case the CORONA RP8D1 has an integrated microprocessor called ATMEL MEGA88v.
This process is quite complex and full of analog / digital converter and other things that I will not explicar.La point is that in one of his sideburns reached receptor.Esta ppm signal is weak signal and low voltage also fills "noise" (meaning it's not a perfect square wave is filtered), which is fit for the MK.
Figure 2 shows the test point from which we extract the signal ppm for future modification and debugging señal.En this point the signal goes through the other side of the plate and provides the circuit Integrated SA606, the qual is covered by an electronic component.
Figure 3 shows enlarged the area of \u200b\u200btest signal as ppm and across the board enters a leg of ATMEL.
Figure 4 shows a circuit diagram of the circuit we must do to amplify the signal and convert it to a signal that the MK understand and manage correctamente.La explanation circuit is really simple.
The LM393 is a dual circuit speed comparator comparator rápida.Necesitamos this quickly so that we properly manage the signal R2 and R3 resistors salida.Las all they do is create a tension of about 2x input about the (- negative) LM393 circuit. We need to put this tension when compared to the weak signal we ppm of output a filtered signal with a peak voltage sufficient for the resistance R1 MK.La only sets an output voltage to 5V or so . The R3 may vary between a value of 0.670 K and 0.680 K without any problema.Hasta this truth follow me?
I know that for some, all this will seem Chinese and other insurance that is a "mini chapuzilla. But best of times do not know. I hope you help. I will not roll-up or with the intensity nor the long explanation of what makes the LM393 circuit. Figure 5 The pin I have set extracted from a circuit LM393 datasheet for you to know that each pin is and how to connect the resistors.

Figure 6 are the output pins of the receiver, where one of them, than us we want to connect the signal amplified ppm. Lifting of the circuit that if for no problems with the signal coming out of Atmel MEGA88v.

Figure 7 we see the circuit in test mode and as quietly, watching the oscilloscope clearly PPM signal to a level approx 5v Flight Ctrl perfect for MK.

The figure 8 shows the final result. Of course, say that is a bit experimental and highly improved. I hope to do the next circuit with SMD components and be able to insert inside the CORONA receiver.

you can also dispense with the small plate and place the Bakelite air components. Will be smaller. Everything to occupy less space and weight


I hope to have been helpful for building this small circuit.

components are worth more than 1 euro and do or not depends on what handyman who seais.El LM393 circuit so you can get in stores electronic without complications, even in MDS will be much better to reduce

final.Cuando size it has made in SMD and put some photos.

The truth is that it is not difficult to solder these 4 components and the point of testing
PPM signal is large enough to place a small

thin wire with solder.
I wish someone would dare and I explain how it has gone. Sorry if I explained bad
on occasion and in future I'll be improving interventions. Thanks and any questions on the circuit will not hesitate to


(although I put up, it is clear that this great work we are coming to work every bead is EXCLUSIVELY Sergafa fellow, I've only uploaded the pictures to our server and have copied here, thanks Sergio!)


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