Saturday, August 21, 2010

Trophy Ridge Drop Slide

Early in Joomla


1 - What is Joomla?
2 - Walk through the Joomla interface.
2.1-Components of the front-end.
2.2-Components of the back-end.
2.2.1-Main Menu.
2.2.2-Hotkeys. 2.2.3-

1 - What is Joomla?

Joomla! is a CMS (Content Manager System), content management, and its main virtue is to allow edit the content of a website easy non-technical users directly without any intermediary.

is an open source application mainly programmed in PHP under a GPL license. This content management system can work on the Internet or intranets, and requires a MySQL database and, preferably, an Apache HTTP server.

2 - Walk through the Joomla interface.

Front-end: Front of the party is seen by ordinary users or visitors to our website.

Back-end: or Control Panel is the part which has access administrative managers who are in charge to change the information on our site.

To enter the administrative or back-end write-in web browser / administrator ( is the name of your website) and we ENTER, for security reasons you will be applying a user name and password, once entered click on the button to access. All that changed in the back-end using the controls on managers will be reflected in the front-end.

2.1-Components of the front-end.

content area: the region is showing all the information, all items or all products that have our web site.

Modules: the building blocks we see on the left or right side. The modules are the building blocks of information or functionality that are part of a component and perform some specific information such as survey, a search system, a menu navigation, advertisement or any other element that is displayed on the sides, top, bottom, or next to the content areas.

modules can change the place, order, delete, create new enough to be able to help us tailor the site to our liking.

2.2-Components of the back-end.

panel is the control or management in all functions are necessary to do what you need with our web site in both the visual and in the content.

It consists of the following items: Main Menu, Quick Access Buttons, Side Panels.

2.2.1-Main Menu:

Main Menu


Control Panel: It takes us to the start of the back-end

User Manager: Allows you to create new users with different access levels. control who can enter the back-end.

Media Manager: Upload to our sites, items such as pictures, audio, video.

Global Settings: Controls are some options that generally affect our site.

Log: Allows you just to finish our session in the back-end.

Menus: We manage everything that has to do with the navigation of our site, we can create new menus, modify, delete and change settings.

Content: Options to manage our content.

Article Manager: Organize and create new items. Bin

articles: Where we can save some items removed or permanently delete them.

sections Manager and Category Manager: We can organize our publications.

Manager home page: Here you can assign articles which will appear at the beginning of the website.

Component: It has options to control various components such as Banner, Online Store (Virtuemart), Personals, Polls, Search, components and aggregates as Stalker social network like Facebook.


Install / Uninstall: Install / Uninstall modules, components, plugins for our site which provide functions to Joomla.

Module Manager: manage the modules installed on our site, published, unpublished, modified behavior, positions, access.

Manager plugins: plugins enable and disable specific utilities that give us the behavior of modules, components and content.

Template Manager: We can change the look of our front-end. Manager

languages \u200b\u200bassign different languages \u200b\u200bavailable on our website.


Read Messages: Allows you to read the messages you send.

Write Message: You can write messages to registered users of your website.

Bulk Mail: Enter an email and Communicate simultaneously to all your registered users.

Help: We can find many articles that help us how to use Joomla which are quite useful to review.

Preview: We automatically shows you the look that is becoming our front-end as we make changes in the administrative section.

mail envelope icon: It tells us if we have received some mail from registered users on the system.
Icon: Indicates the number of people logged into the back-end (administrative part).

Logout: Its function is to close the session started in the back-end.

2.2.2-Hotkeys: are options that are already in the main menu, but they are located for quick access the "New Item", "Manager of the home page," Global Settings " etc.

Hotkeys 2.2.3-

Side Panel

give us some interesting information on our site as

Welcome to Joomla!: We just welcomed our control panel.

Users Logged in: It indicates which users have logged in and are present now in the control panel.

People: A statistic which are more popular articles on our sites by the number of visits. It's interesting because we can see which items are most welcome to our visitors. Recently added articles

: We can see which items were added in the last days, hours, and by whom, date and title of the item created. Menu

statistics: You show us where navigation menus on our site and have few options each menu.

As we can see the administrative section of Joomla! is fairly easy to use and very intuitive.


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