10 Ways To Accelerate Your Kids Windows XP Windows XP SP3
1. Disable unnecessary services
As Windows XP needs to be a target system for all has a lot of services running that slow your computer and many of them do not need. Here is a list of those who may be disabled almost all machines:
Alert Service * ClipBook * Computer Browser
* Tracking Client Distributed Link
Compatibility Quick Change Users
* Help and Support - (if you use windows yuda not ever touch it)
* Access to Human Interface Device
* Indexing Service IPSEC Services
* * *
Messenger Netmeeting Remote Desktop Sharing ( disabled for security reasons)
* Portable Media Serial Number Service
* Help Session Manager Remote Desktop (disabled for extra security)
* Manage Remote Access Auto Connection
* Remote Registry (disabled for extra security) Remote Registry Service
* Secondary Logon
* Routing and Remote Access (disabled for extra security)
server * SSDP Discovery Service - (Unplug n 'Pray will disable) * Telnet
* NetBIOS Helper TCP / IP
* Upload Manager
* Host Universal Plug and Play
* Windows Time * Set here wireless
fast (do not disable if you use WIFI)
Workstation To disable these services:
1. Go to Start -> Run, then type "services.msc"
2. You double click the service you want to disable
3. Change the startup type to "Disabled" or "Disable" (to system)
2. Disable "System Restore"
System Restore can be a big help if your computer has problems, yet keep all the restore points can take up gigs and gigs of space on your hard drive. Therefore, to disable it:
1. Open the Control Panel
2. Click Performance and Maintenance "
3. Click "System"
4. Open the System Restore tab
5. Enable 'Turn off System Restore on all drives'
6. Click 'Ok'
3. Defragment the page file
Holding defragmented this file can have a significant increase in boot speed. One of the best ways to do this is to create a separately on your hard drive just for this, which is not affected by the normal use of the hard disk. Another way to get this file defragmented is to run the application PageDefrag. This handy little application can be used to defrag, but also to set to defragment every time you start your computer.
To install:
1. Download and run PageDefrag
2. Notes "Defrag at next Reboot"
3. Click "OK"
4. Restart
4. Accelerates Folder Access - Disable Last Access Update
If you have many folders and subfolders on your computer, you'll notice that access to these folders consuming time, because Windows XP needs to update the time of last access to each of them. To stop this, simply edit the registry. If you think it's too hard not to do it, but it is not hard ..
1. Go to Start -> Run and type "regedit"
2. See navigating the tree on the left to get to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ System \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ FileSystem"
3. Right-clicking in the area of \u200b\u200bthe right window and select 'DWORD Value' 4. Therefore creates a new DWORD value and name it 'NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate'
5. Right-click the new value and press 'Modify'
6. Change the value to '1 '
7. Click 'OK'
5.Deshabilita system sounds
Surprisingly, the sounds emitted by your computer to indicate different things can slow down, particularly at startup and shutdown. To disable this:
1. Open the Control Panel
2. Click on 'Sound, audio and voice'
3. Select 'Place volume icon in the taskbar'
4. Open the tab "Sounds"
5. Choose "No Sounds" Sound Scheme in
6. Click "No"
7. Click "Apply"
8. Click "OK"
6. Improved Boot
A new feature of Windows XP is the ability Start making defragmenter. This places all boot files one after another to ensure a much faster boot. By default this option is enabled on many versions of XP, but here we show how to turn it on.
1. Go to Start -> Run
2. Type 'Regedit.exe'
3. Search for "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Dfrg \\ bootopt imizeFunction"
4. Select "Enable" from the list on the right
5. Right click and select 'Modify'
6. Change the value to "Y"
7. Restart the computer
7. Performance Improvement of swap
If you have more than 256MB of RAM this trick will increase performance considerably. It is based on ensuring that your PC uses every bit of RAM (faster than swap file) before using the swap file.
1. Go to Start -> Run
2. Type "msconfig.exe"
3. Go to the
System.ini tab 4. 386enh expanded by clicking the +
5. Click New and type "ConservativeSwapfileUsage = 1"
6. Click OK 7. Reset the computer
8. Make it go faster menus
This is one of my favorites because it is one of the things that machine will 'feel'. What makes this trick is to remove the slight delay is Windows when you open the menus.
1. Go to Start -> Run
2. Type 'Regedit'
3. Search for the string "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ Control Panel \\ Desktop \\"
4. Select "MenuShowDelay"
5. Right click and select 'Modify'
6. Reduce the number to around "100"
This is the delay time before a menu. You can set it to "0" but I find it a bit difficult to use then the menus. Well now look to see the menu if you like and going fast. If you want you can change these values \u200b\u200bints 50 and 150 according to your taste.
9. Programs That Make faster loading This
little trick works with most programs. If after making your program goes wrong, go back to undo this.
1. Right click the program shortcut you usually use
select properties 3. At destination, added to the end '/ prefetch: 1'
4. Click "OK"
10. Improve XP Shutdown Speed \u200b\u200b
This trick reduces the waiting time before they close all running programs when you give the computer:.
1. Go to Start -> Run
2. Type 'Regedit'
3. Search for the string 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ Control Panel \\ Desktop \\'
4. Select 'WaitToKillAppTimeout'
5. Right click and select 'Modify'
6. Change the value to '1000 '
7. Click 'OK'
8. Select 'HungAppTimeout'
9. Right click and select 'Modify'
10. Change the value to '1000 '
11. Click 'OK'
12. Now find the following string
13. 'HKEY_USERS \\. DEFAULT \\ Control Panel \\ Desktop'Select' WaitToKillAppTimeout '
14. Right click and select 'Modify'
15. Change the value to '1000 '
16. Click 'OK'
17. Now find the following string
18. 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ System \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\' Select 'WaitToKillServiceTimeout'
19. Right click and select 'Modify'
20. Change the value to '1000 '
21. Click 'OK'
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