Prof. Maria Gabriela Mora Camargo
(Coordinator of the Curriculum of the School of Geography 2008)
Prof. Prof. Elías Méndez Molina
Zuleyma Prof. Juan Carlos Rivero
Mérida - Venezuela, April 2008
This proposed amendment to the plan of study of the career of Geography was developed by the Curriculum Committee, School of Geography during the year 2008, subject to discussion and validated by consensus between the different actors involved in the Curricular Review Conference, held at the School of Geography, in May of this year, with an attendance of teachers and students who exceeded the 280 attendees.
The proposal was conceived in the framework of the principles and guidelines of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which in its Article 102 states: "Education is a human right and a fundamental social duty, is democratic, ... free and compulsory education is a public service and is based on respect for all currents thinking in order to develop the creative potential of every human being and the full exercise of his personality in a democratic society based on the assessment work ethic and the conscious and joint involvement in social transformation processes, substantiated with the values national identity and Latin American and universal vision ... "(Art.102). Likewise, the text of the Constitution provides that "everyone is entitled to an education of quality, permanent, equal opportunities, without further limitations than those derived from their skills, vocation and aspirations ..." (Art.103).
The curriculum also is limited to the University Act which states that university education is guided by the spirit defined democracy, social justice and human solidarity, open to all currents of world thought, which will be presented and analyzed in a strictly scientific (Art. 4). It is the duty of universities to provide the student a comprehensive education and training for a useful role in society (art.145)
In this regulatory framework, the University of Los Andes aware of the need to interpret the academic development an innovative way, consider new alternative methodologies for the design, implementation, development and evaluation of the curriculum. From this perspective, the curriculum is conceived as an integrated activity of the social, cultural, economic, political and environmental, where knowledge is participatory and transformative, not contemplative and static. In addition, universal, as is the academy, which is understood as an institution for the development of knowledge and processes that integrate successive moments of understanding and commitment, along with the use of resources of various kinds to make possible the achievement of institutional goals, related to the core functions of teaching, research, outreach and community service. In this context, the generation, transformation of knowledge must be relevant to the environment, so that the process of knowledge generation is actually the result of its interaction with reality, which, moreover, is dynamic and changing.
The new structures methodological approach is based on its experimental nature, which has forced guiding academic activities other than traditional ways through which you can see new options for solving problems persist in our current academic situation in connection with the demands of society.
Based on these observations, the School of Geography curriculum review considered as a fundamental process of academic action, which by its complexity and importance can not be the subject of hasty decisions, but be cause for a job continuous and sustained over time through ongoing review and adjustments, as required by the dynamics of knowledge society and sustainability.
Considering previous approaches based on background and efforts made in the idea of \u200b\u200bsubmitting a curriculum review the curriculum of the School, the new proposal curriculum is based on the development and relationships of key areas: general education, vocational training, training of professional studies specific to geography, practice and community service.
The interaction of general studies, basic, professional and community service throughout the entire race, it enables the student to draw on cultural values \u200b\u200band significant knowledge, allowing you to understand the social, cultural, economic, territorial and environmental policy present in the spatial context of local, regional, national and international.
This curricular plan aims to train university citizens and professionals in the field of Geography, barricaded in a versatile set of conceptual, methodological structures and technological tools that will allow him to successfully meet the demands of society considered spatially , the current conditions of a labor market varied, dynamic and complex relationships of its object of knowledge.
Geography, social science in the physical environment - natural, contributions, supports and constraints on socio-spatial events and processes, aims to explore fundamental scientific the organization, functioning and dynamics of geographical space.
geographic space is defined as a structural totality formed by an indissoluble whole, supportive and contradictory, systems of objects and actions, not considered in isolation, and seen world-wide and place (Milton Santos, 1996).
geographical space can be interpreted then as a set of objects and geographical facts contained in space and a set of actions relating to occupation, location, distribution, usage, configuration, concentration and spatial segregation. It is precisely the set of facts, processes (geographical spatiality), which provides rigor and specificity to the science of geography.
Geography lies in its epistemological and methodological rich structure, which enables them to understand events and processes, cause - effect relationships and interactions, specificity and generalizations, in shaping the evolution and complexity of geographic space.
These foundations make geography a science today, which is of increasing relevance and importance in the knowledge of geographic space and through the planning and use of it as a territorial expression, seeks to anticipate change, promote and articulate, on the short term the relationship harmonious society - nature. They are principles that guide the work of geographers in the study of natural, social, cultural, economic and geographic space policies, the assessment of the conditions and evaluation of resources and potential, the results make it possible for the recommendations that arise in the light of such bases are implemented.
The formation of the Geographer, therefore, must be careful phase teaching - Learning, with emphasis on critical and innovative awareness, ethics as a core principle and committed to training compared to social factors, cultural, economic, political, territorial and environmental, expressed spatially.
2. Institutional Background and Philosophy.
This proposal was developed as a reference the following documents:
• Curriculum of the School of Geography
• Curriculum Design Proposal 1995, coordinated by Prof. Carlos Amaya.
• Days of Reflection on the Curriculum of the School of Geography, 2002, under the coordination of Prof. Nubis Pulido
• "DIAGNOSIS OF STUDY OF THE RACE OF GEOGRAPHY, 2007, conducted by Prof. Elba Marina Mora, Zuleyma Molina, Delfina Trinca and Joel Mejias.
• Assessment and Accreditation System OPSU.
• Law Student Community Service at the University of Los Andes and Regulations Student Community Service at the University of Los Andes.
• Curriculum Design Document for the Ministry of People's Power for Higher Education
• Advisory Commission Update Educational Program (PAD - ULA), through five workshops with teachers and students of the School of Geography 2008,
School of Geography, Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Sciences, University of Los Andes's mission is to train citizens and professional university able to know, understand, investigate, explain and interpret the object of study of geography: responding to social problems - the country's space and communities. Consolidated with the training of a professional service values, ethics, respect, fairness, equality and solidarity, as part of a dynamic organizational structure, which prevails effective and modern administrative management, based on a responsible, participatory and democratic, whose key players are qualified teachers, skilled and motivated students and all together, socially and environmentally committed.
School of Geography is viewed as a university teaching and learning, autonomous, efficient, participatory, relevant local, national and international levels aimed at educating citizens and pro-active professionals, critics and solidarity, to respect the values \u200b\u200band principles of coexistence and plurality of thought, capable of teamwork, constructive, creative, humanistic, motivating, and socially engaged with their living environment, with a sense of belonging, solidarity, high self-esteem , imaginative and visionary. Professionals capable of responding to the challenges and demands of society as facts and processes considered spatially, to the structures, mechanisms and instruments of power involved in the organization of geographical space, the configuration of the systems of human settlements, land use, conservation and use of natural resources, dynamics and structure of the population, sustainable management of ecosystems, quality of life of the population, food security, production, management and analysis of spatial information, prevention and mitigation, school-community integration, all in a framework of an education based on social and environmental values: in compliance existing legal and academic requirements of the dynamic.
A school characterized by a modern management system, adapted to modern times, which deprives its integration with the Institute of Geography and Conservation of Natural Resources, other departments of the Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Sciences and other institutions university. In this classification professorial and administrative staff is key, along with proactive students, allowing an atmosphere of trust, cooperation and respect.
A School with a structure that promotes horizontal organization that facilitates the flow of educational processes and administrative, as the participation and coordination of teachers, technicians, students, employees and workers in the development of teaching activities, research and extension in line with the country's realities and demands of implementing new training programs undergraduate distance.
A School with availability of a well equipped physical plant and humanized space, appropriate to new technologies and demands of the teaching-learning process.
3. Theoretical Framework Curriculum
a. Curricular model assumed
learning processes - learning, knowledge production, respect for values \u200b\u200band principles, development of abilities and skills, acquiring new experiences and commitment to the transformation of reality, reflect on curriculum to model approaches the concept of integrated curriculum, multi-purpose and authority. It is a concept that organizes the subjects and activities to meet the educational process of comprehensive and professional training, skills meet the demands of society, the living environment and the principles that guide the geographical science.
This model is composed of elements, components and experiences that interact with each other to advance in the daily education. Search subjects interrelate components integrated general education, vocational training and specific training, professional practice and community service, all immersed in a civic education and be part of a democratic society. It is based on a set of principles from the planes defined teleological, axiological, epistemological and ethical. The training provides is based on the competencies defined by UNESCO: learning to be, learning to know, know-how and learn to live together. They are knowledge and tasks involved with the transformation of reality, of a comprehensive and inclusive, dynamic and dialectical.
b. Foundations, principles and values \u200b\u200bthat underpin the design and curriculum development.
• Plano Teleological:
This curriculum is part of the democratic spirit of the nation, and therefore welcomes policies of Venezuelan education, attached to the rules governing education: Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the Organic Law of Education, the Universities Act and its Regulations.
• Plano Axiological
Vocational training should be based on the complementation of the values \u200b\u200bassociated with the career of Geography, expertise and know how to learn, with the values \u200b\u200bof knowledge to be, achieving an integration of knowledge, principles and values \u200b\u200bto instill in the student's responsibility, solidarity, equity and human dignity.
• Plano "Epistemology."
Fundamenta educational project on the promotion and training of students, future professionals of Geography, as part of a quality higher education, based on new development trends, where globalization and local complement, generating a new and complex organization economic, social, cultural, economic, and environmental policy, specifically considered. These processes entail the transformation of space and time scales, which leads to a new address student learning skills, which will provide the skills required to assume knowledge and innovative technologies of communication and information.
School of Geography also supports its educational project in the knowledge of the various geographical paradigms, which constitute the theoretical framework - methodology of current geography. These paradigms entail understanding the different scales of space and time, socio-economic and political, which facilitates the students face new experiences and learning skills, required to construct answers to geographic events and processes, meaningful reflective , critical and innovative.
The formation of professional geography with great responsibility, sensitivity, social and human commitment can be achieved from the consideration of individuality to sociality, from local to international relevance from a global vision of the specificity of our reality, from a highly academic concept of discipline specific career, to a humanistic conception it permeates everything. To provide knowledge and tools to be organized to work, with a performance as a responsible citizen, with high capacity and technological instruments, with deep humanistic education, ethical, spiritual and aesthetic performance.
Referral to promote a line of ethical education curriculum and practice and learning of values \u200b\u200band principles. Includes vocational training, responsibility and commitment assumed with the profession and issues related to being in the dimension of human development through the formation of an attitude of solidarity, equity, harmony, mutual respect, cooperative work , environmental protection and improvement of quality of life of people.
• Plano ethics.
refers to the formation of a full career and possessor of a high sense of respect and ethics to the profession, to himself and to others, committed and responsible to their profession, as well as updating and continuous improvement of institutions and organizations.
or sociological foundations.
Geography School supports its students training project in recognition of the significance of the dynamics of social relations in the construction of geographical space and in our historical reality, based on respect for multiculturalism and multiethnic gender identity, human and environmental thinking, with emphasis on a partnership with identity Venezuela, with a sense of justice, fraternity, peace, equality and freedom.
• Theoretical - Pedagogical:
Generate a dynamic teaching-learning that allows citizens motivated professionals with a high degree of spiritual development through a participatory dynamic of ideas, which is implemented and respected the universality of critical and constructive thinking, a sense of responsibility, promotion of cooperation, solidarity, education, gender-egalitarian, instilling values \u200b\u200bof respect not only to the nation, the profession, but also to humans and the planet como ser vivo. Incentivar a partir de los conocimientos y experiencias propias de cada uno de los participantes, el estímulo para el despertar y desarrollo de sus potencialidades, para su crecimiento personal y conciencia colectiva. Perspectiva desde la cual, el estudiante de este subsistema tendrá la oportunidad de decidir lo que desea aprender.
• Son los elementos filosóficos esenciales para lograr reformas curriculares acordes con las tendencias de transformación del desarrollo científico, tecnológico e informático, y las exigencias de la sociedad. Para la práctica curricular en la Universidad de Los Andes, according to the paper on "PRINCIPLES, POLICIES, STRATEGIES AND SETTINGS CURRICULUM AT THE UNIVERSITY OF THE ANDES" adopted by Resolution CU-1078, dated 31/05/2004, it assumes the following:
• Relevance and Commitment Social.
Sets the commitment of the institution meet the needs of human beings and their environment, contributing to its forecast, analysis and solution using the curriculum of each of the areas.
• Comprehensiveness.
conceives as beings with biological needs, psychological, social, cultural and spiritual, in full relationship. Allowing the harmonious balance between training, professional training and personal and social experiences.
• Updated
dynamic and continuous revision of curriculum with the aim of incorporating the scientific, humanistic and technological developments, new educational and technological approaches, consistent with the rapid social changes.
• Quality
involves the pursuit of excellence in curriculum and actors involved in it, through the achievement of the objectives consistent with the quality criteria, predetermined by the institution itself.
• Equity
Equity must be expressed as equal treatment, fair and proportionate to all the needs felt by citizens in the regions and in the field of education, academic, institutional, therefore, this implies: Find the appropriate mechanisms for the incorporation of citizens excluded from education, Indigenous people, people located in border areas and in areas of difficult access, excluded citizens by their social or family, people with physical and motor disabilities and senior citizens.
• Flexibility Facilitates
curriculum management processes incorporating options that give students the opportunity to tailor the curriculum to their training needs and aspirations.
To be a professional of Geography, is required set of core values, which allows you to create awareness of being:
• charge: to assume mission of the institution and its training and creative work is in an expression of accomplishment and achievement motivation.
• Efficient and effective, so as to make proper use of knowledge, skills and experience to put at the service of teaching-learning process and feel proud to be citizens of academic and professional quality.
• Critical and reflective: it involves being immersed in a constant exercise of creative sensibility and questioning, to assume leading positions in the academic context of social dynamics and plurality of thought, where conception of knowledge is highly committed to the transformation of reality.
• Worship: so that in their formation, involving a wide range of values \u200b\u200bthat come in various forms of knowledge, art and culture, leading to reinforce identity, freedom and sovereignty.
• Ethics: able to evaluate their own behavior and that of their peers and society's fundamental principles, on the basis of respect, responsibility, dignity and solidarity.
• Tolerant: to live in solidarity with others and find the response in active dialogue and disagreements.
• Respectful of free thought, to accommodate the pluralism of ideas, exchange of knowledge and the concept of university citizenship.
• Solidarity: to understand the self as an individual and being a member of a society that demands we all place ourselves at your service and responding to problems of their environment.
• Honest, that their actions are correlated with previously established values, which deprives the ethics and solidarity.
4. Justification the curriculum of the School of Geography.
geographical space, the object of study of geography has undergone profound and significant changes due to the development of industrial society. It expressed environmental disasters and social vulnerability increased, indicating that the scientific and policy responses developed in the last century, do not meet the demands of a spatial organization to minimize or prevent degradation of the quality of life of the population and nature. These changes are the subject of discussions and debates in the academic, political and social effects can be summarized new scientific postulates and socio-political, which are expressed in novel forms of territorial organization and socio-political, which are based on fighting and defense of nature and the organization responsible for the territorial body
Faced with this situation, geographers are now facing a reformulation of its mission and vision to interpret the new spatiality of social and historical context. Presents the opportunity for fans of the appropriate discipline knowledge and explanation of its object and field of study to this new reality. In this sense, it is not enough knowledge of the spatial differentiation on the basis of resources and potentialities, characteristics, identities and conditions of development of its population, its economic and social relations, but how to ensure and sustain life in the context of current historical and political processes.
view of these processes and in terms of self-determination of peoples, each nation must respond to the organization of its geographic territory seeking harmony, that is, providing a relationship of equality and justice in the land occupation and appropriation . Based on these facts, the formation of a geographer at the School of Geography (ULA), must meet the requirements that the organization space required, from the discussion of new philosophical principles (which emphasize the importance of the relationship between man and nature), methodological and technical structures of recent research application, which aims to get response to the location.
Geography incorporates the knowledge of the structure and the politico-administrative law arising from the exercise of power, which acts on the spatial processes and the systems organization of local, regional, national and global. Recognizes predominant values \u200b\u200bthat determine the performance of human organizations and capabilities that these structures have to promote change processes.
turn, assumes the implementation of new technologies associated with information technology. New technologies are assumed by geography as interpretative tools for the analysis of integration and synthesis of facts and geographical processes, assuming the relationships and interactions in the context of space-time, which affects the critical linkages between society and environment.
bind to these dimensions changes in the international relations system. Geography, considering the processes of globalization, and analyzes their implications on the restructuring of space and productive system of nations, as well as large cities, medium and small, seeking to solve critical problems of society and the environment.
Under these considerations, in recent decades, the geographer, as a professional who knows and works in different areas of geographic space, is positioned within the labor market and in connection with demands of society, with a force growing in various areas of knowledge: theory and methodology of geography, territorial and environmental assessments, local and national development, land use, physical planning of cities, rural areas and organization of agricultural production systems, agro-productive chains and the food system in general, tourism, geopolitics, GIS and mapping, among others. That is, those social facts and processes that are in the territorial body
geographer receives training on theoretical, methodological and technical training structures to understand, explain, evaluate and interpret the complexity of the organization and function of geographical space. The geographer is therefore a professional able to study the facts and geographical processes, meet characteristics and conditions, identify and explain problems, assess potential and propose appropriate responses to the socioeconomic realities analyzed, expressed spatially. Is a professional with the ability to anticipate changes, to promote and guide them.
Geography to be, a discipline that allows us to know and understand the impact that society, through multiple activities in space. In short, it provides sound knowledge about the physical aspects of natural, social, economic, cultural and political - institutional, whose spatial expression was investigated through facts and geographical processes occupancy, distribution, location, usage, configuration, concentration and segregation.
Consequently, the definition of geographical science, the profession of geographer, functions and tasks you can perform, the principles and values \u200b\u200bthat guide and implement plan of study should serve as a citizen and allow professional success in the labor market.
Geographer to perform successfully in the labor market should not only be committed to geography, with the functions and duties inherent to his profession, but also with the principles and values: ethics, responsibility, solidarity and respect for the preservation of their environment that allows you to strengthen civic education and status of university potential.
The adequacy of the academic program aims to meet current work expectations of multiple and diverse public and private organizations that need to solve geographic problems of a local, regional and national levels. Among the institutions that demand the service professional geographer are:
• State agencies: ministries, autonomous institutes, state enterprises, governorates, municipalities, corporations and other governance bodies linked to the knowledge of geographic space, spatial planning, political processes - administrative authorities, environmental assessment and mapping systems.
• Private company, where they develop programs, projects, advice or field investigations related to natural physical, socio-economic, environmental and comprehensive special concern.
• Institutions of higher education and research and extension centers, linked to the field Geography and related sciences.
• Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and supranational related to socioeconomic and environmental issues, which take place or affect the territorial body.
5. Model Design Professional:
a. Title (s) of degree award:
b. Intermediate output
Synopsis professional training:
Its primary purpose is to form a college graduate with extensive knowledge, capable of studying the geographic space and its components, along with its structure and functioning, relationships and interrelationships, problems and potential partners to generate knowledge that way and intervene effectively at the creation of social space built in its organization and spatial processes. Knowing and implementing operational responses adapted to the social and cultural demands and the ability to support the environment in which your turn to act, is one of the main reasons.
is a scientifically literate person technology, to investigate, interpret, understand and act upon social, economic, technological and environmental, framed within the geographic space. Critical sense, lets push for changes to achieve better conditions in both the social body in the territory.
is a qualified professional whose focus is the geographical facts and the spatial processes of occupation, location, distribution, usage, configuration, concentration and segregation, which form the structure and dynamics of geographical space, seen at different scales . Therefore, their participation in basic studies and interdisciplinary teams is essential, among others, those associated with knowledge, planning and management policies that are in space, spatial planning, urban and rural systems, environmental valuation and risk studies socio-economic, population and administrative, political and cartographic representations, among others.
is a professional committed to the sustainable management of resources and the solution of territorial problems, able to identify conditions and constraints, potential and opportunities, possibilities, endogenous, exogenous relations, and to understand the objectives of comprehensive and sustainable development, in particular, referred to geographical space.
Consistent with the above, is formed and trained to perform a systematic analysis and interpretation of the interrelations of geographical facts and processes that occur on the surface of the earth, which are organized to respond in the construction harmonious social space, taking into account the physical environment - natural and environmental assessments, to understand and explain the territorial structures (political office) articulated governance and territoriality.
Is a professional with ability to perform analysis and synthesis, supported by theoretical and methodological rule, which give scientific quality of their work, supported by appropriate use of techniques of geographic information systems, mapping and other scientific and technological resources .
geographer graduated from the School of Geography have the knowledge and skills to undertake the following tasks:
• Generate scientific knowledge about the geographic space, its attributes, elements, facts and processes. The territory is constituted in social practice, where develops the activities of geographers.
• Conduct theoretical and methodological purposes in order to strengthen the epistemological and heuristic discipline.
• Review and spatial differentiation, according to its components and relationships from different scales of work.
• Conduct studies of natural physical conditions, socioeconomic, cultural and political - administrative geographic space.
• Develop and interpret cartographic material making uses of traditional and automated techniques for the purposes of basic or applied research.
• Advise and intervention planning policies stemming from the state and society on the organization of the territory and in relation to the environment.
• Generate data on the geographic space, analyze, diagnose and respond to situations or problems identified.
• Advise on the planning and territorial distribution of public and private investment, taking into account the criteria of social and economic efficiency and sustainability.
• To organize, integrate and take over the coordination of interdisciplinary teams who work in public, private and community social organizations on issues related to the socio-economic, physical and natural, geopolitical, cultural, in urban areas, rural, industrial activities and services, tourism, environmental assessments, in socio-natural hazards and otherwise, that affect the organization and operation of geographical space, seen different scales.
• Participate in the phases of analysis, evaluation and management public policies related to socio-economic development spatially considered the planning.
• Perform multi-purpose cadastre.
• Perform office and perform tasks in public and private, local, regional, national or international, for the exercise of which requires the title of Geographer.
c. objective (s) general and career skills:
For Assessment and Accreditation System (OPSU) objectives are objectives that guide the powers referred complex social performance that expresses the knowledge, skills, aptitudes, attitudes and overall development of a person within a specific activity, be it specialist, technical or professional. To achieve comprehensive training curriculum Geographer plan is based on competencies established by UNESCO (1998):
Learning to be: it refers to securities which are to be developed, associated with their status as citizens, to learn and specific to the race.
Learning to know: determined by the knowledge base or set of content, on which rests the conceptual structure of the plan.
Learning to do: refers to those skills and general technical career under the know-how.
Learning to live together: this is defined as learning to work together and demonstrate the values \u200b\u200bthat have led humans.
is, in short to form a national university and vocational education in the service of social transformation and committed to the continuation of territorial potential.
UNESCO (1998:21) states: "a first change to be relevant relates to the curriculum, still too focused on the accumulation knowledge. We must put the emphasis not on the transmission of knowledge but in knowledge production, which involves defining the training programs in terms of competency profiles that must be mastered and not in terms of knowledge to be transmitted or returned should be formulated in terms of analysis capabilities of complex situations, to undertake and to react as responsible for the development of a culture of peace. "
Learning to undertake: to conceive how to organize a coherent program of activities and actions that lead to systematically and consistently to the effective implementation of a project personal or collective. In this regard efforts should be assumed to know how to consciously and consistently a strong positive attitude of determination to develop and structure searches, learn how to initiate, organize and reorganize personal activity based on them and designing actions and tasks, take the actions required to carry them out, form partnerships when required, making about complex actions require enormous efforts, but at the same time holds for real material benefits, as well as personal satisfaction, as well as how to become surplus production unit and added value, how to have sufficient capacity and will to resolve all sorts of problems, make smart decisions, take risks and be willing to negotiate the feasibility, realizability and management or government of what is undertaken. They learn to take the individuals, groups, collectives and institutions when they assume attitudes smart. . (Dictionary Thesaurus)
d. Objectives
• Join a professional able to participate in the development of land systems to understand their structure and operation to generate sustainable alternative scenarios.
• Join a professional to develop the integration approach and synthesis distinctive quality of the visitor, and highlight their suitability for analyzing multi-directional relationships in the treatment of the environment, land, spatial planning, land management, organization of GIS and mapping required.
• Build a qualified professional to understand the interdependence of diverse and true facts of geographical space
• Join a professional able to participate in interdisciplinary research teams on the organization and territorial organization.
• Training professionals to conduct specific research on various natural phenomena and human
• Join a professional capable of handling properly, graphic representation techniques, and cadastral mapping as tools and instruments for spatial analysis.
e. Graduate profile: knowledge, skills, abilities, aptitudes and attitudes of individual, social and professional
Most graduates as a geographer must have a social performance expressed as:
• Develop a coherent geographical reasoning on theoretical and methodological bases of science, in general, and geographical science, in particular, that will enable him to investigate, plan on the geographical and analysis and synthesis interpretation of their characteristics and environmental conditions.
• Apply the fundamentals of planning based on geographical science to propose solutions to problems of geographical space.
• Collect and observe the physical phenomena, human and environmental develop at their around and the processes that lead.
• Demonstrate interest in developing work of field and office.
• Observe sense of balance to the different patterns of territorial organization listed in the world around him.
• Expand the general culture that allows you to address interrelationships and linkages between phenomena of different origin on the surface.
• Imagination and objectivity to recognize needs and / or claims which arise in reality and creativity to generate responses to them.
• Commitment to service for personal satisfaction by understanding and meeting rooms, individuals and social groups, with professional qualifications.
• Make appropriate use of language, both orally and in writing and the instrumental use of modern or ancient language that allows the proper organization and synthesis of ideas for the expression and presentation of the results of studies geography.
• Use an adequate graphic expression in digital mapping and geographical studies.
• Pro-active
• Ability to work as a team
• Handling basic literacy and math
• Basic Knowledge in Natural Sciences
• Environmentally responsible
• Careful in compliance with ethical and moral values \u200b\u200b
• Respectful of the ethical and moral values \u200b\u200b
• Basic knowledge in the management of ICT
4. Curriculum Structure Design
a. Curriculum Structure
FOR SHAFTS: the curriculum is structured according to the comprehensive training axis, rather than for specialization, which include:
Symbolic: Promotes the domain and development of the structures of formal thought.
Heuristic: promotes the mastery and development of instrumental and methodological structures.
: stimulates the comprehensive analysis and synthesis of geographic space
Critical: domain and promotes development of reference values.
: enters the world of inquiry, questioning and testing.
Experiential and self-development: condude make academic learning with professional practice and self.
The curriculum is organized in a logical and chronological structure, the basis of qualitative and quantitative analysis and give the operational plan for universal scientific training and geographer.
The common thread that guides the curriculum is knowledge for action and transformation through the development of skills, abilities and skills to acquire and produce knowledge. This will serve as a basis for identifying potential and problems of geographical space and to propose alternatives for the organization and configuration.
According to the document on "PRINCIPLES, POLICIES, STRATEGIES AND PARAMETERS CURRICULUM OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE ANDES "adopted by Resolution CU-1078, dated 31/05/2004, curricula will be comprehensive and will consist of the following curricular areas: Basic, Professional Basic, Specific Vocational Training Complementary or Integral and Flexible:
Basic Training Component: Levels of general knowledge about the scientific character of geography, the social development that explains the evolution of this science and numeracy and language as ways of expressing basic geographical knowledge . Includes the following subjects:
Basic Training component: A set of subjects that form the basis and starting a career, and the study of other specific disciplines. Are essential for a range of professional fields. Gonzalez et al, (2002). This area or component provides students the basic skills that begin in the understanding and solution of technical and scientific problems associated with running. Inserted at the beginning of student learning experiences related to the specifics of the race. It also develops knowledge, skills and abilities that allow the student to properly handle the language, methods, techniques, progress and knowledge of the disciplines that underpin their future professional work.
Component Specific Vocational and professional practice: are modules of the race to provide the knowledge and practices that the future graduates need in their performance against reality. Gonzalez et al, (2002). This component offers students learning experiences directly related to the profession, promotes the analysis and application of theoretical knowledge associated with work demands of career and work experience in situ, and / or internships. Includes the knowledge, abilities and skills that constitute the main body of the profession and are specific to the academic program. Facilitates the development and articulation of research, extension and teaching. At this level the student can select the area of \u200b\u200bemphasis according to their professional interests and also demonstrate academic experiences of different nature, such as research, courses, seminars, development projects and professional intervention. Provides students the choice of accredited courses. It also foresees the practice, referring to a set of real or simulated activities inherent in the profession, integrating acquired knowledge and skills development, skills, attitudes and values, with the aim that the student meets the professional concrete things Morillo (2003). According to, "PRINCIPLES, POLICIES, STRATEGIES AND PARAMETERS OF THE UNIVERSITY CURRICULUM OF THE ANDES." The degree work will any of these ways: research papers (monographs, research seminars, participation in research projects), extension practices (care teaching practices, internships, consulting) or postgraduate courses.
Area Integrated or Complementary Training & Flexible: corresponds to the various activities (cultural, sporting and recreational facilities) to be performed by the student, for their physical and personal growth González et al, (2002).
Given the organizational structure of the School of Geography and nature of the subjects provided the following proposed distribution departments to ensure monitoring and evaluation according to the different objectives of the curriculum.
Department of Human Geography
1. Study and research techniques
2. General geography
3. Introduction to development studies, social and economic
4. Structuring the process
5. Introduction to Geography
6. Development Geography
7. Population Geography
8. Urban Geography
9. Rural geography
10. Planning and land
11. Political geography
territorial geography 13. Human Geography Seminar
14. Regional Geography
15. Historical Geography
16. Formulation and evaluation
17. Physical planning of cities
18. Tourism Geography
19. Weather
20. Geology
21. Climatology
22. Hydrology
23. Geomorphology
24. Pedology
25. Biogeography
26. Conservation of natural resources
27. Physical Geography of Venezuela
28. Applied Geomorphology
29. Natural hazards
Agroclimatology 31. Mathematics I
32. Mathematics II
33. Computer
34. Statistics I
35. Statistics II
36. Geographical theory and methodology
37. Basic cartography
38. Geo statistics (Statistics II)
39. Thematic mapping
40. Surveying - Photogrammetry
41. Geographical techniques for spatial analysis
42. Geographic Information System
image interpretation
44. Cadastre
45. Classification techniques
46. Digital Image Processing
47. Automated Cartography